Sunday, February 21, 2010

tarik duittt..

sj je wat title gempak..(knon pkai bomoh)

duit ohh duit..

y ekk gaji masuk sgt lmbt..n to make it more allowance from mara are significantly higher than my paid..aiyo wat to do..

have to post pone all the wishlist that i dream out for so long...(read with soooooo veryyy long mode)... at this time aku mule berangan kalo lah aku ank raje brunei sume leh beli tnjuk jer in a blink of eye da dpt..owhh heaven nyer..(dats y x dpt) tp x per la bersyukur lar @least dpt jd anak Razak dr anka lain.huhu (earth to Nabila)..

want to say goodbye apathy to my wishlist...

p/s: the wishlist r mine to keep 4eva..
dlm xde duit aku beli pj's n cd lead year..(xthu lar best ke x, kalo x best mmg tensi ahh beli)

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